Metropolitan Foodscape Planner Ljubljana City-Region

Figure shows the MFP output for the metropolitan region of Ljubljana, where the area of Ljubljansko barje (a marshland in the southernmost part of the Ljubljana Basin), as well as the in the northwestern region do not allow for food production (grey colors on map).

The nature parks are situated are partly located in the proposed 5km wide green buffer around the urban core. In order to provide food for the 320,000 inhabitants of the city, the first production zone for plant-based food will need to be 5km wide as well, followed by another 5km wide ring for livestock-based food products.

Map SLO3 SLO3.1
Figure: MFP output for the metropolitan region Ljubljana.

The second figure shows the extraordinary high supply with grasslands that surmounts the demand by the factor six. With exception of other cereals, all crops have less supply than demand; most extreme for fodder crops for which there is less than one quarter. Currently food crops are mainly located in the proposed green buffer and in the plant-based food production zone.

Diagram SLO3 SLO3.2
Figure: MFP Ljubljana output for the demand-supply comparison as total (all rings).